Phone Sex Junction

Intelligent phone sex

"quality" "unrestricted" "phonesex"

I am feeling very sexy, when I come home I look forward to intelligent phone sex, and I enjoy knowing I have some hot long term friends that call me, and we get off together.  I like to wear sexy lingerie when I do my calls, because it puts me right in the mood to be a dirty pervert.   Erotic phone sex is really an art.  I have many different ways of approaching what we do on a kinky phone session.  One thing that I think helps is if you tell me something sexy to you.  I like to listen, and maybe I will come up with a sexy role play about it.  I think that is fun.  I love being a sexy actress, I am a phone porn star.   Wearing stockings and garters and sexy lingerie, maybe a pair of my fuck me pumps, getting out the trusted dildo and vibrator, gosh in the drug store they must wonder why I keep coming back for more bottles of lube.  I love to be all silky and slippery between my legs.

I know men love lingerie on their women, and they like women who are sexy, erotic and kinky like myself. I think the fact that I like to wear it and have so much of it, makes me sexier during a phone session.    I too have a lingerie fetish, do not fool yourself and think that you are the only one.  Right now I have on a very pretty matching black bra and pantie set,  and a sexy black garter belt that is holding up my ultra sheer black thigh high stockings with lace trim.   I have been pampering myself all day, just got back from a beauty treatment day at my local spa, and I will  taking a long hot lavender scented bubble bath, before I start to take my calls this evening, I will be relaxed, wet and sexy for you!   I am wet and horny and ready for you! Anticipation can be such a lovely aphrodisiac wouldn’t you agree?   But don’t keep me waiting long…

Call Ms. Cassie your girl friend experience at: 1-877-368-7505

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