Phone Sex Junction

Sissy phone sex

"sissy phone sex", "phone sex directory"Sissy phone sex with sissy Roberta is back, after an absence, needing my guidance and training of course.. She is locked in a new cb6000, she also has some nipple rings, and a butt plug.. She is wearing a sexy pink dress, and has a large black dildo, tells me it is life like, because I like black cock. She has not used it yet, that is going to change quickly. I am going to train her to get her legs over her head, and eat her own cum. She needs and craves humiliation.

She had purchased some special panties that had embroidery on them. They read.. “Sissy Roberta on one side, and property of Mistress Veronica” on the other side.., pink with blue embroidery. I love that! I sent her to the drugstore for a lipstick, I tell her to ask the clerk to help her with some lipstick and feminine articles, but say they are for her. Perhaps I will listen on my cell phone…

Unlocking Sissy Roberta’s clit, and getting out the dildo.. on her knees sucking big black cock. She can only can cum on our sessions, only take off chastity device to shower. I own a control her.. with butt plug in ass… no cumming without my permission. Lube up the big black cock.. time to sit on it.. going to let cum today. Now I want you to lock it up, also I need you to eat your cum

You are my Sissy… Roberta~ get used to it!

Mistress Veronica for feminization phone sex at 1-877-368-7505

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