Phone Sex Junction

Domination phone sex Mistress Veronica

"sissy phone sex", "phone sex directory"For you readers out there interested in domination phone sex.. I must let you know, that Slave *D* is quite the charming, witty and intelligent slave. He knows no bounds intellectually, and I find this one of the sexiest features about him. He sent me an email recently asking if I could touch my tongue to my elbow. This is a good test. Can you do this? Are you able to actually touch your tongue to your elbow? Now you are thinking.. is this a phone fantasy? Is this something phone girls do? Now if you are a real phone slut.. you might want to suck your elbow? If we are role playing, do not expect me to lick my elbow with my tongue. Instead, I will get you to suck your own cock.. that is a nice twist don’t you think? However the ultimate phone fantasy, will be to have fantasy phone sex, of you sucking your own cock.

I had asked Slave *D* to write an essay on licking your own elbow with your own tongue…this was his response..
“I was thinking about our discussion regarding the distance an ability to touch ones elbow with the tongue. Maybe this could lead to you questioning the distance of your slaves tongue to other areas of his anatomy. Namely his penis to open mouth.. Maybe I could describe how you directed me to remove my chastity device, back up to a wall, raise my feet over my head, and position my body such that my shoulders and neck are touching the floor with my penis some 6 to 8 inches away from my mouth. You could instruct me to stroke myself while upside down and ejaculate into my open mouth and of coarse swallow it.”

I am thinking of having Slave *D* learn to suck his own cock. I think it is a fitting hobby for a good slave, it is also so practical. Why look to get your cock sucked, when you can suck it yourself.
Mistress wants it! Mistress gets it!

Mistress Veronica for feminization phone sex at 1-877-368-7505

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